feuilles anim

Sow Organic ®


By focusing our research on quality products and environmentally friendly, Agri Obtentions contributes to develop organic farming for the benefit of all our gricultural partners.

Agri Obtentions offers you a wide range of varieties adapted to organic farming. We are the only French seed company which proposes two wheat varieties registered "organic" in the French national catalog: Hendrix and Skerzzo. We have designed a specific logo to make easier the visualization of the varieties registered in organic production conditions.

Agri Obtentions is controlled by Ecocert, international body of control and certification for organic agriculture and food.


logoBIO Logo meaning variety registered as Organic


Varieties Seasonal type Earliness Characteristics Strengh  
Winter wheat
ARMINIUS Winter Mid-early BAF index Very good quality  
EHOGOLD Winter Mid-late BAF index Very good tolerance to diseases  
EOST logo new Winter Mid-late BAU index Excellent disease behavior  
EMOTION  Mid-winter to mid-alternative Mid-late / mid-early BAF index Good resistance to deseases and lodging  


Early BPS   Resistant to septoria  
GAMBETTO Winter Mid-late BP index Very productive  
GENY Winter Early BPS logoBIOindex Good covering power  
GHAYTA Winter Mid-late BAF index Resistant to mosaïc virus  
GREKAU Winter Very early BPS   High PS and protein  
GWASTELL Winter Late BB logoBIOindex Very resistant to diseases  
GWENNlogo new Winter Mid-late BPS logoBIOindex Very productive  
RENAN Very winter Mid-early BAF index The organic reference, deseases resistant  
SKERZZO Mid-winter to mid-alternative Mid-early BPS logoBIO index Good protein content  
GRANDVAL Mid-alternative Mid-early     Less susceptible to sprouting  

Mid-winter to mid-alternative

Mid-early     Powdery mildew and fusarium tolerance  


Very early     Very flexible in terms of sowing date  
Winter barley            
RAMATA Mid-alternative Early Forage Early, productive and regular  
GERALD Winter Mid-late White  

Good lodging resistance

Field peas            
MYTHIC Spring Late Yellow   Excellent stalk strength, high protein content
Spring Mid-late Green   Referenced for cracking industry  
Field beans            


Semi-early Flower colored, with tannin and vicine/convicine Most cold resistance  
IRENA Winter Early Flower colored, with tannin and vicine/convicine Early, good lodging tolerance  
ORGANDI Winter Early White Resistant to lodging  
ANICIA   Mid-early Green The label reference  
HARPE   Early Silver The milling reference  
Fodder peas          
ASSAS   Mid-early Can be use in grain and forage production High fodder biomass with high protein content  
ASTEROÏD logo new   Late Can be use in grain and forage production Afila without tannin